
Steam on apple tv
Steam on apple tv

If you want to do this, check out our dedicated guide on streaming emulated N64, PS1, SNES, and other games through your Steam Link. Streaming emulated games is a bit more complicated, as you’ll need to set up parsers using an excellent tool called Steam Rom Manager. Steam Link only recognizes your controller as a game controller with the Big Picture UI). Unfortunately, the previous tip won’t help if you’re trying to play your favorite old-school games through an emulator because the Steam Link won’t identify your controller when you try to use them (i.e.

steam on apple tv steam on apple tv steam on apple tv

To help you out, we recommend navigating to the game’s keybindings page first so that you can quickly check in on which key does what with a press of the PS/Xbox button before jumping back into Controller Configuration.

Steam on apple tv